
A special urn for an outstanding person. Diamonds are forever! If you are you looking for something really special and especially valuable, this creation is for you. This is a polished steel model which, depending on the size of the stones, can be set with up to 3,000 flawless, brilliant-cut diamonds or artificial stones.

What happens after death

Project work during religious education How to deal with the unknown and the question: What happens after death? Around the weekend of Allerheiligen the children of the Sonderschule Mödling learned about the different ways of a funeral under the careful guidance of Carolin Hoffeld. The theme of the day was: What does my heaven look […]

Urns as artwork in your home

[lang de]Individuelle Urne am Kaminsims, Sfera Solidsphere [/lang][lang en]Individual urn on a mantel, Sfera Solidsphere [/lang]

The subject concerning the end of one’s life and the increasing options of funerals are becoming more a talking point as one grows older. More and more people do not want to burden their loved ones with the arrangements of their funeral, but want to organise it in a way, that reflects their character and […]